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Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Customized Keyword Before Create Free or paid Blog or web Site

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Customized 5-Step Keyword Plan

I receive email from internet marketing all there work from home this mail show how to customized keywords before create free blog or web sit. This is free simple guide using keywords plan. Very simple guide hope you happy.

In case you're still lost as to how to go about getting the right mix of keywords for your website(s) here's a fool-proof 5-step plan I use..

1. What is your site about?

What's your niche and what are you trying to sell?

If your site is of public interest and has the potential of a lot customers from a wide spectrum of social categories then I would suggest you go for as many visitors as possible and therefore opt for more general keywords.

Keywords that have the potential to attract the highest number of visitors.

If on the other hand your site is selling a product which is aimed at only a minority of people then aim for targeted visitors and therefore very specific keywords that are directly related to your sites product theme.

2. Identify all relevant keywords and keyword groups.

Start by writing down all relevant keywords or keyword phrases that you can think of that relate to your chosen niche.

It doesn't matter if some of them seem weak or unrelated to you, the next step is to check them.

You can use a tool such as overtures keyword selector tool. Type in your keywords and it will bring up different keyword phrases and tell you how many searches have been carried out for each one during the past month, enabling you to quickly identify strong keywords and sort your keywords in relevance to their total monthly searches.

3. Sort your keywords by relevance!

If you decided at step 1 that you're interested in targeted visitors then create another list called "list 1" - made up of the keywords that are directly related to your business and that have the potential to deliver targeted visitors, this list is not based a keywords power but rather its relevance to your sites audience.

The other ones will remain on a secondary list - called "list 2". Both lists will be sorted in order of monthly searches and "list 2" will held as a back up list in case all the keywords on "list 1" are to powerful to compete for.

4. What is your competition doing?

You can do this various ways and don't forget that just because a keyword has a lot of people searching for it doesn't mean it is right for you.

If you try to compete with the Big Boy's you will not win. So if you have to try and concentrate on some of the less powerful keywords and try to get in the top 5 for those.

Various methods of checking out your competition are by searching on google and noting down the url's of the top ten for each keyword, then analyze each page and see if you can compete.

Next check their ranking using googles toolbar and alexa's toolbar both free from the respective search engines.

Also check for backlinks and check for keyword relevance in their page titles and descriptions.

5. Selecting your keywords

By now you have narrowed down from "list 1 & 2"a shortlist of keywords that you feel you have a chance of competing for.

Sort them into key phrases and in order of weight i.e. their total searches. Try to get a phrase of 4 to 5 keywords as this will make it easier to work into your page title and the search engines will love it.

Now you have your keywords and phrases. It's now time bring the traffic to your website!

Follow the link below to find out how..


Jason Gazaway

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How to Internet Marketing write articles really fast While Work From Home

i receive the mail called 
When working with my article marketing clients, one of things
we really work on is getting their article writing up to high speeds.

The reason for that is because in order to get really great  results, you really must write alot of articles.

When I was first building my online business, I used to write 15-20 per day.

But honestly, you are probably only writing a few per month - and struggling to do that.

One of the reasons is that it might be taking you too long to write an article.

For example, if it takes you 2 hours to write one article (and many of my clients took longer than that before they started working with me), then if you are working online for 10 hours per week - you can only
write 5 articles per week.

But imagine if you could write 7 articles per hour, like I used to do.

Then you would write 70 articles per week.

What would happen to your income if you started writing 70 articles
per week?

Ok, so here's how:

First of all, before you start to write your articles, write a list of all the
article topics and titles you are going to write about.

That way you don't have to think about topics while you are writing.

You can just get into the groove and write.

Then, start each article by writing 3 sentences.  The first sentence should 
introduce the article topic.

The second sentence should tell the reader why the topic is important.

Then the 3rd sentence will tell the reader how you are going to solve
the challenge posed by the topic.

Then, you are going to list 4-7 steps to solving the problem
raised by the topic.

For each step, write 1-3 sentences teaching your reader how to do that step.

Then your article is finished (no, I don't use a conclusion in my
articles, and you don't need to either).

By the way, do you want to learn more about writing your
articles much faster (and also why you don't need a 
conclusion on your articles?)
I teach it all here:
To your article marketing success,

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Monday, November 30, 2009

Internet Marketing Answers - How to Find Good Keywords to Promote Your Work From Home Business Online!

Monday, November 30, 2009
I remember when I got started online, finding profitable keywords was the most difficult part. But today, I have many shortcuts.
Why making things complicated?
First, some of you may not realize the importance of keyword research, so let me explain.
People are going to search in Google (Yahoo, MSN - now Bing - and other search engines) for information about their topic.
If someone want to get rid of his man boobs, he will type the following words in the search engine:
Lose man boobs
How to lose man boobs
man boobs solution
get rid of man breasts
get rid of man boobs

These words are called keywords. It doesn't matter if it's a unique word or several words.
A keyword composed of three words or more is called a long tail keywords. You want to target the long tail keywords with your articles because these will bring more eyeballs (and most importantly) sales to your articles.
For two reasons:
Reason #1: Your articles will rank in the search engines (Google, bing and Yahoo), and you will get direct visitor right from the search engines.
Reason #2: Generally, the more keywords someone type in, the more interested he is in the subject.
Someone who types: "how to get rid of man boobs" is better than someone who type "boobs", or "man", or "man boobs"...
Got it?
You have three ways to do this:
1. Personally, I recommend choosing the easy, lazy way. outsource it!
If you choose this route, I'll point you to someone who can give you low competition/high traffic keywords for a super cheap. Just contact me.
If you can't outsource, here is how to do it yourself, let's go to method #2:
2. Keyword tools
There are many free and paid keyword tools.
The best free keywords tools are Google External and wordtracker.
Choose any of these methods, and you can't go wrong.
Discover how a former body guard went from zero to making more than $48,627.24 online, and sometimes making four figures in a single day promoting his business mainly with article marketing. Click on this link to start your own profitable: Internet Business Income
Click Here to download your two amazing FREE Internet Business Startup ebooks: http://www.onlinepaycheckblueprint.com
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Internet Marketer do you khow How To Find Your Own Valuable Adsense Keywords For Free to work at home

There’s tons of money to be made from the Google Adsense program for web masters and blog owners. That’s why “the vultures are circling” and folks are getting sucked in with all sorts of offers that promise instant high Adsense revenue. One of the top-selling products these days are those lists with the highest-paying Google Adsense keywords. Many people are desperately searching out for these lists and many will not hesitate to pay for them, especially because there are some keywords that are reputed to be capable of earning $100 per click.
I’m not saying all the lists are bad? In fact a good number of them are genuine and are created by high earning Adsense webmasters looking to maximize on their profits and to get something back from their time-consuming valuable keywords research efforts. Nothing wrong with that, in fact it makes perfect business sense. Except that you don’t really need those lists, there is a better proven way to increase your Adsense earnings.
The Adsense Secret Is All About Finding A Niche
The most important Adsense secret you will discover is that to make money and be successful, all you need to do is to stick to the basic rules for success in online marketing. The basics are that you need to find a niche that is not so competitive and one which you can contribute something special to based on your past experience, knowledge and skills. Everything else will then fall into place after this. Virtually every subject and topic you can think of will have relevant and valuable keywords.
This is in sharp contrast to the approach being encouraged by list-sellers. Which is to start by finding high-paying valuable keywords and then creating sites or blogs based on them. To start with Google do not like the idea because one of their rules is that you should not create a site or blog for the sole purpose of making money from Adsense. Of course it is easy to get round this one by quickly creating some products around your site and you really don’t need to care whether they sell or not, but who are you fooling?
The World Wide Web is increasingly busy and increasingly competitive and what this means is that niches are becoming increasingly vital and critical to online success.
You Will Earn More From Adsense With Multiple Sites/Blogs
Once you’ve found your niche, you can create a number of different sites narrowing your niche even further in different directions. I’ve used this strategy very successfully and I find that I am constantly coming up with new ideas for new sites without leaving my area of expertise. Of course I create relevant links between my different sites so as to maximize on the traffic that I receive. The important word here is “relevant”. There is nothing that puts off folks more than clicking on a link only to find that it is barely relevant to the information they are seeking. You’re wasting their time and they will not appreciate it. Better not to link at all in the first place.
What some high-earning Adsense folks have done is to create numerous blogs (some up to 50 and even more.) This strategy makes sense because the more pages you have with Adsense ads on them, the higher the chances of somebody clicking on some of the ads and therefore the higher your potential income. What I can’t imagine is how they manage to keep all the different blogs fed with quality content. I once tried this strategy with just one or two sites and it was very exhausting getting content for sites outside my area of expertise. There are increasing reports of incidents of pirated online content and I guess you now understand part of the reason why.
When you stick to one subject, keeping all your blogs fed with content becomes a breeze. You simply take one idea and modify it or slant it differently for the different sites. Even more important, it is easy to use the same valuable Adsense keywords for all the sites as you discover them.
A Free Tool To Help You Find Valuable Adsense Keywords
Here is a valuable tool that I use myself to constantly research valuable Adsense keywords. While you do not need those valuable Adsense keywords lists, you need to constantly research valuable Adsense keywords for yourself. Top Adsense earners spend a vast majority of their time doing this. You need to do the same if you want to be earn a serious income from the Adsense program.
Christopher Kyalo makes a good living writing online for various clients. Read the rest of this article at his Adsense blog.

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Wednesday, November 25, 2009

How do I think of article topic if i'am internet marketing work from home

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
I receive a message from one of my internet marketing. He work at home on computer to earn a lot of money.
The message like this

One of the biggest questions I get from my clients is "How do I think of article topics?" so I thought I would
address that today.

One of the ways I do it is to write a list of 10 things someone might ask about your niche.

For example, if you are a dog trainer, your list would look like this:

How do I train my dog?
How much time does it take to train my dog?
How much money does it take to train my dog?
How do I train my dog to sit?
How do I train my dog to stay?

And so on.

Then...once you have written each of the 10 articles, ask this question
after each article: what kinds of questions might someone have
after reading this article?

Assuming you come up with just 3 questions more per article, that
will give you 30 more article topics.

Then do the same for each of those 30 articles....giving you 90 topics.

The next time around will give you 270 topics.

Try this technique - it really worked for me, it really works for my clients (this
is one of the ways I was able to write 15-20 articles per day when I
was personally building my business)

By the way, do you want to learn more of my "tricks of the trade"
of article marketing?

I teach you advanced article marketing tactics here:


To your article marketing success,

I hope with this explanation can grab you to think and write article topic.

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Monday, September 14, 2009

Internet Marketing - Work From Home Careers

Monday, September 14, 2009

These days, lots of people are in search of a good high potential home based career. A well chosen home based opportunity might become a powerful second income stream, or a new business that could change your future. Let us show you some of the possibilities that might be right for you.
Many good home based opportunities that you can try are online endeavors. An internet based job has an abundance of desirable aspects when stacked up against other categories of home based jobs. Making your business an online business, there are many great benefits that you don't see from other industries.
You will see that the most powerful features of a properly built internet based venture is that it can work for you all the time. This one feature, by itself, makes an internet based venture a potent answer when searching for a home based business. Just think about how nice it would be owning a business that generates profits while you're doing nothing.
There are a number of typical operations that one can choose from to be successful on the world wide web. Let's divide this list of possibilities down into just two specific categories. The two lists are 1, having an online job, and two, having your own business.
The first group will include the sort of job where you work for, and get paid by, a business. We will mention many categories of online, home based, job offers out there for you. Jobs on this list will definitely be composed of, accounting, telemarketing, and writing adds.
There isn't much required to get work doing any of these jobs. It will be presumed that, you must be educated, or prepared to learn, to perform the work desired. You will have to have a telephone for most of these particular types of online jobs.
The last, and most obvious, item that everyone must have is a computer. If you're good at what you do, many of these employers like a work from home arrangement. The company benefits not just from your work, and your equipment, but also doesn't need to give up area in their office.
The second group is of careers that should be for those of you who want to create their own business. The various careers that are out there are composed of, website development, developing e-products, and writing. This short list is but a small sample of the endless variety of opportunities that you can discover.
In these ventures, you have to be self employed. You have to choose how much effort you put into this, and you will be wearing all the hats in your online venture. The upside is huge, as are the required efforts, in operating your own business.
Generally speaking, it will be better for you to set out on this untried venture as a secondary income. The effect of this will be to take the pressure off during the time you start your new business. Then, if things have gone well, you will choose whether you will shift over to your growing business as a full time career.
Home based work opportunities seem to be the direction things are going. Run an investigation, and take note of all the potential choices that you can find. If you find the right business, and work hard, you might get lucky, and retire young and wealthy.
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Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Internet Marketing and Work From Home Businesses Bring Change to Lifestyles

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
The age of the internet has and is changing how we live in almost every area of life. One of those areas I want to call attention to is how we obtain and store information. In the past, whenever a reader was interested to pick up a book he would head out to the library or local bookstore. If that did not get the results they were seeking they would look in catalogs and get the desired book by mail-order.
Today when anyone wants information about a topic they turn to the internet to do their research or to order an instant down loadable e-book. These two changes have brought about even more far reaching changes in present day cultural lifestyle. Advancement in computer and internet technologies and their far reaching adaptations are causing career possibilities to become almost endless.
More and more of the work force is choosing to work from home. Of course there will always be those activities that must be carried out in the ordered and traditional settings. Look around you and see that lifestyles are becoming more relaxed. I have heard it said by some that things are getting done in more timely efficient ways. This in turn may be leading to better interrelationships within our societies. Smaller business models are encouraging better relationships for workers, customers and owners. The family business structure is being seen more prominently within this work from home atmosphere.
For various reasons, which are out of the context of this writing, more people are coming to the internet with the intent to make money. At the core this is the fundamental definition for business.
Stay at home parents are finding it easier and easier to stay home and be with their children as they grow and engage in activities. This can lead to the emerging of more tightly knit family units. Customs, ideology,
educational and trade abilities can flourish with the extra time spent in together activities.
One group of individuals who have been overlooked in our societies may be brought back into the mainstream of life. That group is those who have disabilities which make it impossible for them to carry on ordinary job activities in the corporate settings. Within smaller groups where extra time is available and more patience abounds these people can become valued citizens whose individualism can be appreciated. Stay at home careers can make it possible for many with physical handicaps to become 100% employees again; especially if it is within their own family business model.
Brick and mortar business owners are closing their doors at faster rates than before and it is not primarily their local competition becoming too great. Rather, it is the competition from the internet becoming too great. They are having to adapt to new ways and ideas in order to stay in business and provide for their families, clientele and friendly neighbors. They are having to become work from home merchants.
Two general case studies that I have seen are 1) a family bookstore and another 2) a family hardware store. A complete bookstore featuring all books in print with multiple available locations for delivery can be housed on one or two computers. The same is true for the hardware store.
That boggles my mind. Turn on the computer and find the book you want to read. Put in your order. Have it delivered overnight to your door tomorrow morning. And, if you do not want the physical book to hold in your hand as you turn the pages while smelling the paper, ink and musty mingling, you can have the book available on your computer in a few minutes. Download it and print it off. How fast is that to have pages to turn at home, in the park, on a cruise, or anywhere? The same scenario is true for the hardware store except; all that delivery is done by drop shippers and arrives within 2-7 days.
I can't imagine what life may be like in the future for my little grand boys. Looking at the changes that have taken place just in the life time of my 20 and 30 year old grandchildren and that is enough to make ones' head dizzy. I have so many other things to tell you about this changing business world, but room does not allow it here. Look for future articles and blogs as we explore together what can be in store for new businesses as they go through their start up business planning and actual getting started phases.
If you are interested in hearing about business and marketing changes and advancements come to see me at my blog found at http://infoproductsmakemoney.com/blog
Mary R is an 80 year old grandmother who has seen many changes and evolutions in the education and business worlds. Come by and visit at http://infoproductsmakemoney.com/blog
Growing up within entrepreneurial home and business atmospheres has helped her to see the changes and adapt to most of them.

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