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One of the biggest questions I get from my clients is "How do I think of article topics?" so I thought I would
address that today.
One of the ways I do it is to write a list of 10 things someone might ask about your niche.
For example, if you are a dog trainer, your list would look like this:
How do I train my dog?
How much time does it take to train my dog?
How much money does it take to train my dog?
How do I train my dog to sit?
How do I train my dog to stay?
And so on.
Then...once you have written each of the 10 articles, ask this question
after each article: what kinds of questions might someone have
after reading this article?
Assuming you come up with just 3 questions more per article, that
will give you 30 more article topics.
Then do the same for each of those 30 you 90 topics.
The next time around will give you 270 topics.
Try this technique - it really worked for me, it really works for my clients (this
is one of the ways I was able to write 15-20 articles per day when I
was personally building my business)
By the way, do you want to learn more of my "tricks of the trade"
of article marketing?
I teach you advanced article marketing tactics here:
To your article marketing success,
I hope with this explanation can grab you to think and write article topic.
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